Hillcrest United Church
Establishment at 5108 Sunset Drive, Fort Nelson, BC V0C, Canada. Here you will find detailed information about Hillcrest United Church: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.
5108 Sunset Drive
Fort Nelson
British Columbia V0C
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About hillcrestunitedchurch.yolasite.com
Hillcrest United Church
Hillcrest United Church has been in its current location since February 1961. As a small, mature, dynamic and vital congregation, we are adventurous and wiling to take on new challenges. We feel called to be in pastoral care, and to be of service to the community and God's world. We are wheelchair accessible and welcoming of everyone. You don't have to have a background or connection in the church. Just show up and see what we are about!
hillcrest united church, hillcrest, fort nelson,
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